The core is about more than a six-pack – it is about working the deepest muscle groups in the trunk: bums and tums.
A strong core helps in all aspects of physical training and daily life, it can prevent injuries while also promoting correct posture. Corerobix also raises your heart rate, increasing metabolism and will give you an overall feeling of wellbeing and the stretching involved leaves you feeling taller and leaner and body-aware.
Corerobix also teaches correct breathing by working the stomach muscles correctly, aiding with more toned abs.
Corerobix aids in anyone involved in a sport – it helps riders position their seat correctly putting less emphasise on the hands, it helps skiers with posture as the core takes more strain away from the quads, it helps runners with body posture which helps to prevent leg injury and it helps cyclists take their weight off of their shoulders.
Corerobix is for anyone that cares about their body and wants to help prevent injuries.